Hosted by Eric Oldenburg, a retired Internet Crimes Against Children detective with two decades of commitment to this critical cause, this podcast is a testament to the compassion and courage required to confront this crime. Eric has joined forces with the Innocent Justice Foundation's SHIFT Program to bring you this incredible podcast series. The mission of the podcast perfectly aligns with our own, ensuring that the content that is delivered is not only informative but also making a positive impact.

In this podcast, Eric shares his firsthand experiences, successes, failures, emotions, and insights while also welcoming expert guests from diverse backgrounds. You will hear firsthand from investigators, prosecutors, child welfare advocates, psychologists, educators, law makers, technology experts, and survivors who offer multifaceted perspectives on the insidious nature of this crime. Together, they will help you understand the grim realities, unique challenges, and personal consequences of fighting this crime, as well as the solutions and actions that can be taken to address it. 

The emotional toll of those involved serves as a testament to their dedication and reinforces the significance of their work. The nature of their work exposes them to the darkest aspects of humanity, leaving emotional and psychological scars that can be deeply challenging to overcome. Their unwavering commitment to seeking justice is not without personal sacrifice, as they are constantly faced with the harsh realities that come with delving into these heinous acts. Their resilience and strength in the face of such adversity should be acknowledged and supported.


Join Eric and his guests in their relentless pursuit to end online child sexual exploitation and protect our children.

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This podcast project is supported, in part, by grant # 15PJDP-22-GK-03092-MECP awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice, Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed here are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Justice.