The goal of SHIFT is to achieve strong positive impact and reach through comprehensive and effective training programs. Specifically, SHIFT:
Educates individuals and teams and improves their ability to prevent and mitigate negative effects associated with chronic exposure to child sexual exploitation and abuse materials
Trains mental health professionals on child sexual exploitation and abuse, its effects, vicarious trauma (VT) and proven effective treatment methods.
Trains mental health professionals and law enforcement trainers to conduct regional and local SHIFT training.
Conducts training of advanced topics for exposed individuals live at conferences and via web based education.

This workshop is for individuals exposed to child sexual abuse materials AND mental health professionals working with them. Team taught by a mental health professional and a law enforcement officer, this course offers professionals who are exposed to child sexual abuse materials and who may interact often with child sex offenders (e.g. law enforcement officers, forensic analysts, prosecutors, etc.), the opportunity to learn about the causes and symptoms of the negative effects that may occur as result of their duties and ways to mitigate them. Mental health professionals learn about the challenges faced by professionals exposed to child sexual exploitation and other operations involving child sex offenders. The course also will provide mental health professionals with tools to help exposed individuals.
Forensic analysts
Court workers
Social workers
Topics Covered
Nature & Scope of Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Materials and Offender Networks
Physiological Effects and Symptoms of Chronic Exposure to Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Materials
Factors Contributing to Negative Effects
Self-Care Techniques
Family, Friends and Spousal Support
Integrating Mental Health Professionals working with Law Enforcement